Ludi Monsterworks:
Online Gaming Sites


A good place to start exploring modern board games is BoardGameGeek (sometimes referred to as “The Geek” of “BGG”). If you are completely new to the site, it can be overwhelming. A brief introduction to what is there can be found on Episode 213 of the Board Game Blitz podcast. A few websites do present connections between math and tabletop games and I have included some of their pages in the searchable database. However, they probably have pages I did not include (because they are newer or because they don't fit the game-topic pattern I'm currently using in the database). Here are some places to look for additional material:

Audio & Video

There are an immense number of very good podcasts and YouTube channels, far too many for me to follow all of them. You should probably shop around to find one that matches your preferences (both in the general banter and in the type of games that get discussed).

There are some very big names in this field that I think many enthusiasts would recognize even if they do not follow them. One of the biggest is The Dice Tower, which is the hub of the Dice Tower network. Another large collection of content providers can be found with The Secret Cabal. Finally, Shut Up & Sit Down is widely known for their solid game reviews.

Many of these content creators have both podcasts and YouTube channels. In most cases, you can determine the name of one from the other, however, I've added notes in places where it may not be clear (I’m looking at you, Efka and Elaine).

Finally, if you really like the content of these creators, please consider supporting them (many have Patreon or Ko-Fi accounts). Producing good content is difficult and many of these creators run on very thin margins.


I am not adding direct links here since people get podcasts through a wide variety of services. You can find all of these (along with many others) listed on the BGG Podcast page.

Here are some of the recent Golden Geek Winners below (with some comments based on my listening). You can find more winners (as well as tracking down runners up) at Golden Geek Awards.

  • 2024: One Stop Co-Op Shop—they focus on solo and cooperative games (surprise!)
  • 2023: Board Game Barrage
  • 2022: So Very Wrong About Games
  • 2021: Heavy Cardboard—focusing on heavier (meaning more complicated) games
  • 2020: Ludology—game design focused
  • 2019: Rahdo Talks Through
  • 2018: Shut Up & Sit Down
  • 2017: The Secret Cabal Gaming Podcast
  • 2016: The Dice Tower

Other podcasts that I regularly listen to include the following.

  • Blue Peg Pink Peg
  • The Board Game BBQ
  • Board Game Blitz
  • Game Brain: A Board Game Podcast About Our Gaming Group
  • Talk Cardboard—their YouTube channel is No Pun Included listed below
  • This Game is Broken—humorous game show format focused on board games

YouTube Channels

Here are some board game channels on YouTube that I frequently watch videos from. Again, like the podcasts, you should shop around to find a channel that matches your preferences in terms of style and content, there are many good content providers out there.

Online Play

There are several places where you can play tabletop games online. Many offer a free level of subscription with paid subscriptions allowing you to access more games. four that I have used are:

The following online posts provide some information about how these services compare:

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