Ludi Monsterworks:
Mathematics of Tabletop Games

Here you can:

  • Search for connections between mathematics and games. This includes citations to The Mathematics of Tabletop Games (including the additional materials and code) and other published articles, links to other websites and web pages discussing these connections (such as BGG threads on topics), links to videos.
  • Find Errata for The Mathematics of Tabletop Games.
  • Find additional material from The Mathematics of Tabletop Games. This material primarily consists of things I wrote but did not include in the main text. In some cases, they provide additional examples similar to what is in the book. In other case, they present more connections that were omitted from the book. All of these can be found in the database.
  • You can find all of the code at GitHub. If the GitHub code seems particularly stale, feel free to send me an email with a request that I update GitHub with my current working copies.
  • Find links to websites, podcasts and video channels which support tabletop gaming.

The book The Mathematics of Tabletop Games can be purchased from Routledge or other book stores.

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